Tweetspeak Prompt: Medieval Vibes
Share your medieval vibes poems with an encouraging community!
Find a little poetry writing magic in our Medieval Vibes photos & words post. Stop in, get inspired, and share your poem with the community. We can’t wait to read!
Note: sometimes, with your permission, we feature your poems in Every Day Poems if they’re a fit.
Read a Story that has Medieval Vibes
Scroll down to read a haunting story that has medieval vibes. (The story is from our fiction collection The Shivering Ground) …
Photo by Tim Rebkavets, Creative Commons, via Flickr.
The Shivering Ground
They walked the halls of the underground building, listening to footfalls echo from clean floors, each step like a shot. Interspersed, painted slightly cracked plain white, were doors that locked from the outside. The ceiling lights buzzed. And the guard hooked their fingers into the belt of their uniform, staring straight ahead and humming tunelessly as they pushed along the cart. Lully, lulley, lully, lulley! At some doors they stopped, took out a tray, and walked inside to give the prisoners food, and out again, locking the door. The keys jangled, and the rattling cart’s wheels screeched with a metallic thunk-thunk-eeeee!hiss. They reached the end of the hall and paused. The special case was here. Solenoid down, and for the first time our side had managed to capture one, and it was still alive. Wouldn’t give a name, of course, or any in- formation about the enemy, but there was hope, still, wasn’t there. Well. The guard didn’t worry about that. They just made sure the doors were locked and everyone who was still there, not dead, got food. They hadn’t checked the solenoid yet though, the enemy had been dragged in around three this morning and he’d only just been processed.