#28 (Ellipses of Origin)

Watched long enough, clouds

roll on

and show

the sky…

Watched long enough, wildflowers



to the mountain…

Watched long enough, mountain


at the bottom of


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wildflowers always return... :-)

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The Semi-Lit House

There is a mirror in

the entry, a figure dim

there, eyes, skin both

illuminated, I think,

by moonlight or shine

from a lamp outside

distorted through

colored cylinder glass.

Paper walls, flowers,

like boats in dark water.

I walk, doors dark as

tree bark, the light again,

cast back off maybe brass,

a slur of the eyes, and floor

boards stumble dry and aged

against my feet, creak

and groan, a ghost of sorts,

and hinges too, amplified

as if to compensate a lack.

Ancient perfume now

leading me to a window,

blind but for a hint of shrub

rubbing silently in the night,

these are living spirits

speaking from another world,

from which I turn, and have

turned away. I walk toward

the corridor, brass eyes flickering

like fallen stars, or fireflies

sparse in a city lost in time.

At the end is a door that sways

at my touch and pushes back

against me, motions me to go

where the light rises in the open

spaces, and at night the stars

are far enough away to be cool

and void of dread. I walk,

the porch lamp behind me,

the unfiltered moonlight leading me.

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Invisible Things

think of things

we can’t see

light does not

reveal the wind

we feel invisible

things, harsh

words long gone

trees from storm

not what bent them

the rain reveals itself

only in flowers

and ripples

in the old clay streets

the downhill memory

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Formed from the News - 4/5/24

Hurricane Hype

Warm water

Very warm water

Dark omens

Bullish forecast

Extremely active season

Daunting season

Explosive Atlantic season

One of the most active on record

La Nina coming

Buckle up

Hunker down


a lot can change.

*Lines gathered from different news sources

**Colorado State University 2024 seasonal forecast


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these are wonderful, sandra!! :) great idea

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Formed from the News - 4/1/24

A TikTok migrant

Truancy in the spotlight

Must turn back the clock.

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Formed from an article via Nice News - 4/4/24


shell-less sea slugs

naked gills

seemingly defenseless

but brave

blue dragons

Spanish dancers

tiny rabbits

psychedelic hedgehogs

gleeful colors hidden in new places

undersea jewels

every day like Easter



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Formed from the News - 04/03/24


Where is the safe room on the ring of fire?

When the earth shakes and buildings topple

and life collapses,

where does one lean?

Where is the hiding place?

*Taiwan lies along the Pacific "Ring of Fire" and experienced a 7.4 earthquake this morning. It was the largest to strike in a quarter century.

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Formed from the News - 4/2/24


The new world is hard to navigate.

I'm not flying solo.

A lot of the most interesting thinkers are wacky.

You don't need your health news sugarcoated.

Health is not fair.

It's not equitable.

I have no idea whether or not my dinner

is going to kill me.

I could be taking canine flea medicine.

Skip the steak.

Try a beetle.

Get your protein buzz.

Crickets are the new kale.

Don't listen to those studies...

just her studies.

Exercise is too dangerous.


Looking forward sometimes means looking back.

*An erasure poem found today in "Welcome to Free Press Health" by Nellie Bowles at The Free Press


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wondering if

the house was going

to come down—

timbers shaking,

new cracks snaking

but, no, the cherry blossoms

dance beyond the intact window


out of their


and the house




formatted: https://www.tweetspeakpoetry.com/2024/04/01/happy-national-poetry-month-share-your-poems/#comment-1139696

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Did you feel it?

(The epicenter was less than 10 miles from where we used to live with our horses back in the day.)

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whole house was shaking and glass things rattling, so, yes, absolutely felt it! terrifying. made me appreciate tania's 'making peace with paradise' so much more :)

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Ha! For sure! Good to remember for all things that might rattle us. (I hope you don’t discover any cracks.)

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somehow i didn't remember that you lived in new jersey. (is that what you're saying? that you lived in new jersey? :) )

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We did. In Flemington. Well, that was our address. D was transferred. We lived in the country with our horses. And then sold the house and moved into a triplex in Somerville so D could finish an MBA full time at Fairleigh Dickinson. I worked in the OR at Somerset Hospital. We lived in NJ less than 3 years before moving to GA the first time.

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lots of moves! did not realize :)

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the seamstress

out of doors:


so much rain.

but all about the dining room

red velvet

so much red velvet.

falling, flowing,


the day.


true format, here: https://www.tweetspeakpoetry.com/2024/04/01/happy-national-poetry-month-share-your-poems/#comment-1139535

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this morning

the cherry blossoms


into the sky

(with correct format, here: https://www.tweetspeakpoetry.com/2024/04/01/happy-national-poetry-month-share-your-poems/#comment-1139410 :) )

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if i write a poem

each day of my life,

my life becomes

(does it not?) ….


(since substack's comment boxes are a little poetry-undoing: here it is with proper formatting: https://www.tweetspeakpoetry.com/2024/04/01/happy-national-poetry-month-share-your-poems/#comment-1139328

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though it is,

you always know

how the wind


its true direction


in the bend,

the turn

of what's

seen, what's



formatted, here: https://www.tweetspeakpoetry.com/2024/04/01/happy-national-poetry-month-share-your-poems/#comment-1140055

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